CALL: 6532 9980
Discuss your case with us at no charge. At Crossbows, we want to help you get moving in the right direction so talk to us. Tell us what’s troubling you, in complete confidence and we will suggest options for you to consider going forward. You are under no obligation at all to appoint us. The first 30 minutes consultation is at no charge and based on our experience, this is usually more than sufficient time to understand your problems and suggest options.
So give us a call at 6532 9980
Divorce Knowledgebase
If you are set on changing your name, you would need a document called a ‘Deed Poll’.
If you are leaving town and would like someone to step into your shoes to act on your behalf whilst you are away, whether that means managing/renting/selling your property or finances, you would need a ‘Power of Attorney’.
If you need to make a formal declaration to satisfy any requirement, you might need what is called a ‘Statutory Declaration’.
If you need copies of your original documents to be certified to be true copies of the originals, we can help you with that and with any of the above and possibly more. You only have to call us at 6532 9980 and speak to one of our lawyers or send us an email.
Crossbows LLP
The Blogfeed
1.过快结束婚姻。 2. 当着孩子的面批评另一位父或母。 3. 在儿童面前吵架或打架。 4. 做出错误的假设。 5. 停止探望儿童。 6. 使用不适合或伤人的话。 7. 把孩子当作线人或间谍。 8. 把孩子当红颜知己分享你在离婚时的负面情绪。 9. 强迫孩子选爸爸还是妈妈。 10. 拖欠赡养费 11.被孩子操纵而没有意识到。 12. 不遵守探望时间安排。 13. 忽视自己的照顾。 (改编自 Lisa Rene Reynolds...
Parenting Mistakes in a divorce
Ends the marriage too quickly. Criticizes the other parent in children’s presence. Fights in children’s presence. Makes wrongful assumptions. Ceases access to a child. Uses the wrong or hurtful words. Uses the child as...
我们必须控制新冠肺炎,国家需要我们全民做出努力,才会打破新冠肺炎在社区传播。例如,许多孩子正在接受家庭学习(HBL)作为措施的一部分。在这段打破传播的期间,我们律师楼对已离婚夫妇有一些建议。这是从有关当局和法律的各种指南中,总结出来的。 首先,不要将孩子送到祖父母的照顾下。切断普通家庭的互动能阻止新冠肺炎的传播。最重要的是,可以保护老年人免受任何感染。 ...
COVID-19 & Child arrangement
The spread of the COVID-19 has to be controlled. A nationwide effort is required to break the circuit of spreading. For instance, many children are having home-based learning (HBL) as part of the measures. During this circuit breaking period,...
Can I change my child’s name after a divorce?
An adult can change own name by signing a deed poll at the lawyer’s office. How about for the child? A child's parent can change the child’s name . This is done by the parent signing a deed poll on the child’s behalf.It is not uncommon after a...
离婚后的建屋发展局 (HDB) 组屋单位安排
根据建屋发展局 (HDB) 年报(2017/2018),新加坡居民中有81%居住在组屋单位内。因此,在许多离婚中,配偶想知道离婚时他们的组屋单位会发生什么事是理所当然。 配偶通过组建局 (HDB) 资格计划,通过婚姻为家庭核心而共同获得了组屋单位。离婚后,家庭核心不再存在。建屋局将要求离婚夫妇处理此类单位。处理组屋单位有几种可能的方法。 1)租赁协议 (Agreement for...
Financial relief in Singapore after a foreign divorce
Introduction. With 65.63 millions passengers movement in 2018 according to the Changi Airport, Singapore is very much connected to the world. Consequently for locals, we have plenty of choices of where to get married. This is as result of our travels and...
Your HDB flat & Divorce
According to HDB's Annual Report (2017/2018), 81% of the population in Singapore live in HDB flats. It is therefore not surprising in most divorces, the parties would want to know what will happen to their HDB flat upon a divorce. ...
Reaching Settlement before a Divorce
You can resolve your differences with your spouse in many ways and this can be done even before going to the court. This is because early resolution processes are available. Early settlement of your case can avoid the trauma of a Court hearing. The biggest advantage...
How to Resolve Parenting Conflicts
Quite often, conflicts in parenting style can lead to marital breakdown and worst, it manifests itself during the divorce process. It is clear that we are born and raised differently and no one shares the same childhood experience. As a parent, we tend to have...
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Singapore 048545
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